Travel Agencies In Lille Near Me

Selectour - Travelil - Agence Marmara Lille - Nouvelles FrontiÚres Agence de voyages Promovacances Lille (Euralille) TUI STORE TUI Lille: Agence de Voyages Escales Du Monde (Ex Look Voyages) Office de Tourisme de Lille The old Lille Tradi'Balade Lille Gite de Vendeville MOBILBOARD SEGWAY LILLE VAN-IT Lille Kelly Santé Lille North Van Van-Away Lille

1. UCPA Lille (Moov' Travel) - Lille

· 30 reviews

152 Rue Pierre Mauroy, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
UCPA Lille (Moov' Travel): what do users think?
Severine Sev: Agent de voyage trÚs aimable, à l' écoute des besoins et trÚs réactif!!Belles prestations, je recommande
nathalie desprez: Conseiller Ă  l Ă©coute des clients.Respectueux
Tom Desaeger: J’ai contactĂ© l’agence par tĂ©lĂ©phone pour un sĂ©jour deuxiĂšme quinzaine d’aoĂ»t avec un certain budgetFrançois m’a rĂ©pondu avec gentillesse et professionnalisme et m’a envoyĂ© plusieurs propositions dans la journĂ©e qui correspondaient Ă  mes attentes
Maxime Murciano: Merci beaucoup Ă  François Povse qui depuis 2 ans me conseil de superbe sĂ©jour UCPA en rapport avec mes critĂšres.Toujours disponible et Ă  l’écoute je suis trĂšs satisfait de François et de toute l’équipe 👍
Sophie Claudot: Tres bon accueilTrĂšs professionnel
Hanane KORDASS: Un super et excellent contact avec François Provse, rare de nos jours d’avoir une personne aussi efficace, rĂ©active et trĂšs trĂšs professionnelle vraiment je recommande et pour ma part je passerai dĂ©sormais par cette agence et François en particulier car il gĂšre vos demandes comme si c’était pour lui et ça « Ça n’a pas de prix ». Un grand merci !!!!
CELIA KBK: J'ai eu un soucis dans ma réservation UCPA, j'ai expliqué la situation et suis tombée sur une personne patiente et réactive qui a su gérer mon problÚme.Je recommande !
Antoine: TrĂšs pro et transparent.
christine vasseur: beaucoup de professionnalisme et de bonne humeur!!!
GEORGES D'AIX: J’ai contactĂ© l’agence pour obtenir des informations sur un centre avant de finaliser ma rĂ©servation. Je souhaitais rĂ©server des sĂ©ances de plongĂ©e . François a Ă©tĂ© trĂšs rĂ©actif Ă  ma demande puis il m’a aiguillĂ© dans le sĂ©jour.RĂ©sultat, j’ai rappelĂ© l’agence 5mn plus tard pour concrĂ©tiser ce voyage.Un trĂšs bon accueil tĂ©lĂ©phonique avec une note de bonne humeur tout en restant trĂšs professionnel. Merci.
Mya M: J'ai eu un problĂšme informatique avec le dossier d'inscription de mon fils pour un stage Ă  L'UCPA. J'ai appelĂ© plusieurs numĂ©ros... Temps d'attente infini et au final aucune rĂ©ponse adaptĂ©e. J'ai fini par appeler au hasard l'agence de Lille (je suis lyonnaise) et j'ai eu la chance de tomber sur une personne trĂšs professionnelle, serviable et efficace. Le problĂšme a Ă©tĂ© resolu le soir mĂȘme. Ça fait plaisir de tomber sur une vraie personne, sympa, efficace plutĂŽt qu'un rĂ©pondeur-robot inadaptĂ© Ă  la situation. Un grand merci !
Julie DESMECHT: Expérience au top, agence à recommander pour son service et sa gentillesse ! Une réservation gérée en quelques heures seulement, avec une offre correspondant parfaitement à notre demande. Merci à Monsieur F. Povse!
Carole GRONDIN: TrĂšs bon accueil, rapide et pertinent !
Catheline DESTAERKE: Service irréprochable et de trÚs bons conseils. A recommander en toute confiance
LaurelĂšne Marly: Une agence/relais UCPA au top ! François a rĂ©ussi Ă  me trouver un Happy Winter alors qu’il n’en restait plus
 cela nous a permis de rĂ©server notre semaine au ski avec une amie avec mon petit budget ! Un grand merci ! Je recommande chaudement de passer par lui pour rĂ©server vos vacances car au moindre problĂšme, François reste toujours disponible pour trouver une solution ! N’hĂ©sitez plus et foncez !
StĂ©phanie Chenevat: Agence au top avec une mention spĂ©ciale pour François qui a suivi d’une main de maĂźtre notre dossier un peu « complexe » ! 😊
ZHANG Yong: François est trÚs professionnel et welcoming.Il donne de trÚs bon conseils à mon séjour de surf, merci
Caroline Rodriguez: Thank you for the service rendered, see you next time!
Franck MOSER: Always on top, friendly, available!
Maxime Sousa: Excellent responsiveness and proposal of interesting alternative solutions
Theodore Pry: A big thank you for your responsiveness, your professionalism and your welcome.

2. Selectour - Travelil - Agence Marmara Lille - Nouvelles FrontiĂšres - Lille



· 16 reviews

7 Pl. Richebé, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Selectour - Travelil - Agence Marmara Lille - Nouvelles FrontiĂšres: what do users think?
Dorothee Leconte: Very good agency! The lady from the agency took good care of my plane ticket reservation for Cancun 😊
Reynald Becuwe: A big thank you to Marine for organizing our stay in MarrakechThe hotel offered by Marine was great and met our expectationsI highly recommend the Travelil agency
Karelle Buhot: We went through this agency for 2 trips. We are very satisfied, they are very attentive and gave us very good advice. Top organization for our road trip in the United States, no problem on site. Thank you!
Anissa Anissa: Very good agency, I always go to this agency for my trips for years and I'm never disappointed, Marine always offers me affordable stays according to my budget and what I'm looking for so thank you to Marine, Margaux and the team for always being Smiling, Pleasant, and Listening, thank you, your Agency is at the Top
RĂ©mi: Marine gĂšre les dossiers Ă  fond, et conseille super bien. 3 voyages dĂ©jĂ  effectuĂ©s avec eux, et nous reviendrons!!!GĂšre les rĂ©servations, et aussi lorsqu’il y a des problĂšmes de transport gĂšre les rĂ©clamations.(Translated by Google
ANWK CC: Very good agency, we have booked 4 stays with Travelil and we have always had a great holiday! The agents are very good advice, meet your travel search criteria, the trips are almost tailor-made, the responses to requests by email are very fast and the trips are always at a good price.
Bouillon Monique: I was the victim of a phone scam today. I think I will get a high mark. I was told that I had been drawn following your 15th birthday. I think you are a serious agency and this kind of practice is hurting you. The number was a 0907...toll...I protested but...they managed to drag me out.
Moussa Lgh: Brilliant support, an extra team that takes the time. Just a word THANK YOU
Jamila Khaldoun: I had the pleasure of finding an epic to listen to, I had a very good holiday. Thank you for your valuable advice
NABAOUIA TAIZI: Super agence, accueil et conseils au top, merci Ă  Marine pour ses conseils et sa rĂ©activitĂ©, j'avais l'habitude de faire mes rĂ©servations seules sur le net, mais je suis sĂ»re dorĂ©navant de passer Ă  chaque fois par cette agence ❀
Révvy: Je mets 3 étoiles pour car déçue par le cÎté all inclusive du voyage proposé en Tunisie a Monastir. Ce n'était pas du all pour moi car aucun buffet la journée, juste une table goûter entre 16h et 17h avec les restes de pizza du midi et des petits pains secs du petit déjeuner.CÎté boisson y avait de l'alcool, du coca et de l'oranginaok mais quand vous partez avec un ado qui ne boit que du non gazeux ben il est limité à l'eau et la grenadine et pour a du payer pour avoir des glaces ou des gùteaux !!!!Et decue aussi par le cÎté transfert car plus de 2h de route alors qu'il y a un aéroport à 10 minutes de l'hÎtel, ce qui fait que l'on a perdu plus d'une demi journée au retour car on a du partir avec les clients ayant un vol avant nous.C'est des infos non donné à la réservation.Je ne pense pas revenir réserver avec cette agence l'année prochaine.
francine Lussiez: Agence au top Marine et son équipe toujours disponible pour trouver des voyages qui correspondent à nos attentes. Encore une fois cette année nous partirons avec cette agence. Marine toujours de bon conseiller un professionnalisme hors paires merci à toi Marine
SaĂŻtama: J'ai achetĂ© quelques voyages dans cette agence de voyage avec Cathy et ça c'Ă©tait trĂšs bien passĂ© puis Cathy Ă  quitter cette agence et j'ai eu Ă  traiter avec Marine.Marine m'a vendu un voyage pour deux personnes Ă  Rhodes pour quasiment 5000€ et cela a Ă©tĂ© une catastrophe totale.L'hĂŽtel Ă©tait absolument immonde, nourriture infecte, chambre vĂ©tuste et j'en passe.Ayant contactĂ© Oceane Voyage pour les informer de la situation, je n'ai eu le droit comme proposition qu'Ă  changer d'hĂŽtel 500m plus loin avec en contre partie 1800€ Ă  dĂ©bourser en supplĂ©ment.Conclusion: on nous a envoyĂ©s au casse pipe, aucune aide ou accompagnement de la part de l'agence de voyage, aucun geste commercial. Gestion Ă  distance vraiment nulle.5000€ Ă  la poubelle sans compter tout ce que nous avons dĂ» dĂ©bourser sur place pour nous restaurer notamment vu que la nourriture de l'hĂŽtel Ă©tait ultra mauvaise.Bref trĂšs mauvaise expĂ©rience, je ne reviendrais plus jamais dĂ©bourser 1€ chez vous et je prĂ©conise fortement d'Ă©viter d'avoir Ă  traiter avec vous.Par ailleurs et pour rappel, si nous passons par une agence de voyage c'est pour avoir du service lors de ce genre de dĂ©sagrĂ©ments hors ici absolument rien n'a Ă©tĂ© fait de votre part en notre faveur. Vous n'avez fait que dĂ©fendre vos intĂ©rĂȘts.Ne vous Ă©tonnez pas si les gens prĂ©fĂšrent acheter leurs vacances eux mĂȘme sans passer par vos agences puisque vous n'apportez aucune plus value Ă  part prendre votre commission. A bon entendeur
Vincent Fabre: Bonne Agence
Audrey Bouis: Équipe trùs pro, Je connais Marine depuis longtemps, elle est au top! Elle conseille vraiment bien en fonction de tous nos critùres
Sandra Mulier: Bonne agence
Olivier Martens: Voyage au top! Merci a vous
Audrey Travel59: Tres serviable Ă  l Ă©coute
alexy59139: Notre conseillÚre Katy est géniale et nous propose des destinations géniales.
Dominique DELIEGE: Accueil exceptionnel, Professionnel, patienceBravo Travelil
Chloé Szymanski: Avons passé un excellent séjour au Mexique .

3. Tibo Tours - Lille

· 19 reviews

15 Rue Jean Roisin, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Tibo Tours: what do users think?
Christel ducoulombier: Bonjour Clemence j’aimerais avoir un rendez-vous avec vous pendant les vacances merci
sillia laisne: Nous venons dans cette agence réguliÚrement depuis plus de 10 ans et nous sommes toujours ravis nous n'avons jamais été déçu Laure connaßt son métier du bout des doigts les pays les choses à faire que de bon conseil. Je reviendrais les yeux fermés comme toujours. Nous avons hùte notre voyage à bali au mois de septembre.
Patrice Bisiaux: Ce voyage qui devait nous faire visiter les lacs italiens avec, pour terminer, la visite de Venise est dĂ©cevant. Il avait bien dĂ©butĂ© mais les hĂŽtels proposĂ©s sont allĂ©s decrescendo. Les allers retours chronophages et Ă©puisants. Les temps libres accordĂ©s par manque de prĂ©paration et cerise sur le gĂąteau : 4 jours dans l’hĂŽtel Nelson Ă  Lido di Jesolo. Cet hĂŽtel est dans le jus du milieu de siĂšcle dernier. La salle de bain est inondĂ©e aprĂšs la douche protĂ©gĂ©e par un rideau hors d’ñge . Des robinets sans mitigeur. Quand on s’assied sur les toilettes, les pieds sont dans le bac Ă  douche. Des voyageurs du groupe ont eu des problĂšmes de toilettes bouchĂ©es.Cela vire au cauchemar !ArrivĂ©e Ă  Zaventem : un bus doit nous reprendre mais il a rĂ©trĂ©ci. C’est la crise des coffres pour nos bagages.Proposition du chauffeur : dans le couloir central on peut mettre quelques valises. Merveilleux !!Le chauffeur trouvera finalement 2 coffres secrets (pour lui). Kafka a encore de beaux jours Ă  vivre. Peut-ĂȘtre moins Tibo Tours.
Lionel Weens: Personnel trĂšs sympa et accueillant qui fournit des informations trĂšs complĂštes sur les voyages
Delphine Delphine: Un sĂ©jour gagnĂ©. ArrivĂ© Ă  l'aĂ©roport billets d'avion rĂ©servĂ©s non rĂ©glĂ©s par l'agence . 13h agence fermĂ©e injoignable, nous avons avancĂ© les frais . MalgrĂ© de beaux discours d'un responsable de l'agence qui promet que nous allons ĂȘtre remboursĂ©. Nous attendons toujours.( 2 mois ) On ne rĂ©pond mĂȘme plus Ă  nos mails de relance. Fuyez ! ! ! Pas sĂ©rieux
Pierre Nachon: Top notch support and advice. A special thank you to Laure who took her time to find a trip that suited us perfectly. Very friendly and very professional
José OVION: Critical:Professionalism
Alain: Positive:Professionalism,Responsiveness,Value
chapi fab: Word excellent is too weak to designate this agency. Laure has been on top of top since 2012, no complaints to make. This is the agency you need for your holidays. Always good advice
CĂ©line Crespo: Very good travel agency, we entrusted our honeymoon to them because compared to other agencies they have better prices, and they also have more international contacts, so more choice in terms of flights and accommodation, which allows you to optimize your stay as much as possible. Highly recommend for travelers needing a helping hand for a faraway destination.
Nathanaël Gaumeton: Client of the agency since 1998, I have never been disappointed. Just lacks a little more seriousness and diligence in customer follow-up.
Maxime Thellier-Gouin: Excellent travel agency with professional and passionate travel advisors. Go there without hesitation!
Benjamin Dufour: Very good agency!!!!
jacqueline leman: We are leaving with you for the Cyclades in June we have received the papers today meeting at Flunch Lille at 00:00 to leave for Orly we embark at 8:40 you could not have found a more reasonable schedule knowing that almost all of us are seniors we will be exhausted I do not think I will travel much longer with VIVREVA because in addition your trips are not the cheapest and always improbable schedules with before you VIVREVA was the CRAM and it was much better cheaper and better adapted to the ages of travelers
Patrick “Jack's 3D world” LEMOINE: Great agency, great rates, very professional. To recommend !
anthony pihen: I highly recommend, very serious
Jean Louis Blasquez: Bad reception
Lila Lila: Quality information, tailor-made tripI recommend 100%
Rima LAMRI: Honeymoon in 2016 organized by Laure, professional, serious and attentive to detail. Very well recommended very satisfied. We are going to make a second trip with Tibo Tour this time with Farah also Pro and friendly I highly recommend this agency 2 travel advisors at the TOP !!!

4. Agence de voyages Promovacances Lille (Euralille) - Lille

· 33 reviews

Centre Commercial, 100 Av. Willy Brandt, 59777 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Agence de voyages Promovacances Lille (Euralille): what do users think?
CĂ©line Deraeve: Thanks to Cassandre for this second trip, as well as the whole Euralille team.We are delighted with our stay in Mauritius, we will come back for our next stay.See you soon.
Jean Pierre Bigaillon: During a family shopping afternoon at the Euralille center, we came back a bit by chance to find out about a vacation we had planned and we were taken care of by Adeline who offered us a trip to Egypt which met to all our criteria.A big thank you to her for always answering all our questions and meeting all our expectations.We will come back to see her for our next vacation.
Manon Dubus: Thanks to Cassandre and Adeline for their professionalism and kindness. A perfect road trip to Reunion! I highly recommend this agency!
Sophie Lehembre: Disastrous Nile cruise 15-22/4, advertised 5 stars. Boat at the limit of insalubrity, empty swimming pool, water leaks in the bathrooms, ceilings... and especially for the triple room announced 17 m2, I discover a cabin of barely 10 m 2 with as a 3 th bed (for an adult) a mattress + pool deckchair!! Ashamed. 4000€ per week for 3 (not counting the 500€ added for the Abu Simbel and Valley of the Kings visits) is a steal!!!!
Adel B: We had a wonderful stay in Crete and the island of Santorini, I highly recommend this agency.
anne-sophie dillies: Booking a trip by phone to go with friends who had already booked directly on site. Very good telephone reception and nothing to say on this point.On the other hand: total scam on my trip from April 15 to 22 under contract with FRAM: COMBINED CRUISE AND HOTEL TOUTÂNKHAMON CAIRE & NIL (ARRIVAL SATURDAY) 5 *- a priori the word departure and arrival means the same thing since I arrived on Sunday and I am told that it respects the title of the trip because I left on Saturday
 MISLEADING ADVERTISING and does not respect the contract that I have signed...- 5*: arrival on site saying that the boat broke down the day before and that they could only find a shabby boat as a clearly non-equivalent replacement: leaks everywhere without the outbuildings, tiny rooms, dirt, carpet ripped off, members of the obnoxious receptive, a lot of passengers with flea bites or bedbugs... in reality, they've been using this boat for several weeks now or even more, once again SCAM- 5* boat with swimming pool: EMPTY!- the agency sells a drink package and strongly advises taking it because it is very expensive on site: FALSE and worse: you have to ask for your drinks, ask for the glasses to be filled and not half-filled, then the icing on the cake: the drink package will not be respected in Cairo at noon because it is Ramadan and it will be so until our departure when Ramadan ended on Thursday evening: SCAM and LIE
- be careful to make you repeat the fees included and not included: my friends paid a fee of 65€ supposedly for the purchase of a multi-entry visa in Egypt for 65€. I called the agency (Cassandre) who confirmed to me that I needed a multi-entry visa because we were visiting several different sites in Egypt
 Not understanding since we were not leaving Egypt, I preferred to take my visa myself when arriving on site for 25€. Then we were asked for service charges when it is not indicated anywhere on my order form that there is a balance to be paid: my invoice was fully paid. Indeed, it is noted on the internet description of the trip, It earned us a hostage taking on the bus when we arrived in Cairo
 SCANDALOUS. It might be wise to show on the order form the section "the price including tax does not include" as it is indicated that the costs being payable are indicated like this except that the section does not appear. the website that acts as the truth and not your order form: DOUBTFUL as practice
In short
 a trip completely wasted and paid for at a high price for having services that were certainly not up to par
 fortunately Egypt has a fantastic cultural heritage allowing me to forget the moments spent on the boat or in the company of the local agency.I sent many emails during the stay which remain to this day unanswered except for replies from the agency (Adeline) telling me that they had sent them to the various departments concerned.I hope that this opinion will prevent other customers from being scammed
 for my part, my file will be the subject of mediation on my initiative because promovacances and karavel do not seem to be interested in our case. 

aujourd'hui et demain: good experience at the promovacance agency with Cassandre correct information for our stay in Greece Thank you.
Julie: A very big thank you to Cassandre for her professionalism and her welcome. Always attentive to our expectations.We will return to this agency without hesitation!!
Cindy Delplanque: I left for the ridge in July 2022 with my partner.We had a significant flight delay and we had taken insurance when booking. Despite this and despite many steps we have still not been reimbursed for the damage.My question is simple: are we going to be reimbursed one day?
Victoria Marcourt: I went with them on vacation to Jordan. I had my return flight canceled and they didn't help us at all, but in addition Ryanair reimbursed them for the plane tickets. Since September, I've been trying to recover the money for the plane tickets, but nothing works... Lie upon lie... We'll send it to you by check. But they don't have my mailing address. Then, your transfer is being finalized. I have been told this for over 3 months now. They don't respond to any of my emails. You absolutely have to avoid this agency!!!
Marvin: General opinion on Promovacances:During a stay in Rome, the airport-hotel transfer did not wait for us when we were waiting for our luggage, impossible to get back from the different interlocutors... Finally Promovacances told us to take a taxi and send them the bill for reimbursement. The note was refused because the shuttle was present, after a reminder for the file to be reassessed since I was promised a refund, they finally decided to turn a deaf ear and no longer answer my emails. Tour operator to avoid and shameful customer service...
Aouadi DaphnĂ©e: . J'avais lĂąchĂ© 500 euros en liquide ! Et effectivement ma carte a des capacitĂ©s limitĂ©es, c'est vrai. C'est pas une raison. On peut tout dire Ă  condition d'ĂȘtre sympa. Vous, vous ne l'ĂȘtes pas.Lundi, une jeune fille super gentille.Jeudi, sa collĂšgue qui a cru s'adresser Ă  des braqueuses de banques apparemment... (seule ma soeur est passĂ©e aujourd'hui pour dĂ©poser un chĂšque vacances
Marina V: I recommend the agency! The counselors are very friendly and really listen! Thanks to Cassandre, Adeline & Raphaëlle
Nanou Nanou: The manager is adorable. She explains things very well. Give good advice.
CĂ©lia VsPink: Many thanks to Cassandre for her professionalism, her advice and her welcome. Listening to our needs, she knew how to find our happiness.We will come back to this agency!
Anthony Dyrda: Travel agency listening to your expectations. Thank you for the week in Djerba at a very fair price.
Delphine Vanelsland: Thanks to Cassandre from the Promovacances agency in Euralille for finding us the cruise we were looking for on the Caribbean. Everything was on point. Quality of services and availability. thank you
Elisa Dridi: a refusĂ© car ce n’étais pas pour un « devis » malgrĂ© lui avoir expliquĂ© le danger. Je suis partie et j’ai fais un malaise. Je dĂ©plore le refus d’assistance Ă  une personne en danger. Surtout en tant que femme ! une honte. Un grand manque d’humanitĂ©, Ă  vomir. Il aurait pu m’arriver bien plus grave si je tombais en plein sur le carrelage
(Translated by Google
Mathez Grégory: Thank you for these good advice team listening perfect welcome.
M M: A big thank you to Cassandre for her welcome, her kindness and her professionalism.She listened to me and was able to find a stay that perfectly matched my expectations at a very competitive price.See you soon for a next trip!
touquet simon: Good morningFor information, never book with promovacances. To cash they are there but in case of worries nobody.Left in April and as stated in our previous comment we had a problem, after 9 emails sent still no response but on the other hand when we leave a dissatisfied opinion they answer us quickly to ask us to remove it.PS: since you can't find the customers, the file is in the name of Fievet Maëva and please answer as quickly by email as for the opinions because as said in your comment "thank you for getting closer to the after-sales service" but they don't not respond how to do?
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5. TUI STORE - Lille

· 35 reviews

59 Rue du Faubourg des Postes, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

6. TUI Lille: Agence de Voyages Escales Du Monde (Ex Look Voyages) - Lille

· 30 reviews

50 Rue Pierre Mauroy, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

7. Office de Tourisme de Lille - Lille

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Palais Rihour, Pl. Rihour, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

8. The old Lille - Lille

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8 Pl. du Général de Gaulle CS 10549, 59023 Lille, France

Address Website

9. Tradi'Balade Lille - Lille

· 37 reviews

28 Pl. du Général de Gaulle, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Tradi'Balade Lille: what do users think?
Michel Crombet: Top visit! Let the very friendly Lison guide you, she will take you on a journey by sharing stories and anecdotes to enchant your walk! Unforgettable moment guaranteed.
Jo: Great top!as a concept of old cars and a treasure hunt to discover Lille.We had a lot of funThank you to the whole team and especially to Louison
Sandra Brigant: Really fun activity!! I recommend
Corinne Lorenzo: Great time to discover Lille via a treasure hunt in 2 ceI recommend
Didier Denis: Zeer leuke rondleiding in de kleine straatjes van Vieux Lille zonder teveel moeten te stappen. De Gids is overal met ons rond gereden. Wij hadden 1 uur 30 genomen en is zeker top !
Jeanggy jeanggy: A very pleasant moment with Antoine, who knew how to make us discover his city with kindness and humor under the Lille sun!
Stéph Blomme: Great walk in Lille. Another way of seeing the city, its architecture. Top driver who told us of his good mood. I recommend !
Mathieu D: An experience and a driver at the top!For the most history buffs take an hour and a half you will take in even more!
Po' Deb: An excellent experience with a very pleasant spy-guide! Despite the few drops of rain the survey was very valuable, I strongly recommend! Thanks again for everything !
Massi Ait: Incredible experience!Very good way to discover the city.Awesome team highly recommend
M S (Neko 745): TrĂšs belle surprise lors de cette visite de Lille en 2cv, pour ma part j'Ă©tais Ă  bord de Madeleine et le guide super sympa c'est trĂšs plaisant de voir des jeunes parler de leur ville avec autant de passion, je pense que je ferais une seconde visite Ă  ma prochaine venue sur Lille.franchement merci
Renaud Blons: TrĂšs bonne expĂ©rience, avec un super chauffeur ! Encore Merci ! Pleins d’anecdotes, on ne voit pas le temps passer. Le concept de la 2CV est vraiment sympa. Je recommande vivement !
Herve Nilles: Balade au top avec Charles (notre guide) et Simone (la 2CV). Une découverte de Lille originale et passionnante. Nous recommandons vivement Extra.
Val Net: Super balade Lilloise avec Anabelle à l'occasion des 16 ans de notre fils. Il a apprécié la visite touristique à l'avant de la belle 2CV bleue !
Renaud JOLY: Une ballade trÚs agréable dans Lille avec passage aux endroits les plus marquants de la ville. La 2V est parfaite pour cette activité, le coté rétro, le confort et le toit ouvrant qui offre une belle vue sur la ville. Merci beaucoup à Annabelle pour son accueil sympathique et ses commentaires sur le parcours, qu'elle n'hésite pas à developper sa connaissance de l'histoire de Lille, il y a encore à raconter.
M Oliveira: De passage sur Lille, j’ai rĂ©servĂ© cette visite afin de faire dĂ©couvrir la ville Ă  mon conjoint. Que dire Ă  part que c’était gĂ©nial! Notre guide Ă©tait sympathique et passionnĂ© (merci Ă  lui !) et le vĂ©hicule gĂ©nialissime! J’avais un doute quand au confort mon conjoint mesurant 1m88 et bien c’était parfait. Foncez, c’était top !
Emme Didi: Location libre 3 heures : véhicule tres mal entretenu intérieur trÚs sale ! 1 rétro extérieur tenu par une ficelle frein trop limite - boite vitesse « morte » etcon aurait du refuser la 2 cv - trÚs mauvaise expériencePrécédemment location avec chauffeur : 2 cv nickel
bradley williams: Top notch tour, Charles our guide met us as planned, took us around the centre of Lille for an informative and amusing tour. It is something like being driven around in a wheelbarrow but that makes it all the better and original, don't worry about the brakes or the traffic building up behind you because Charles didn't. Well worth booking for something a little different, 30 mins tour is all you need.
Cindy DEPLANQUE: Pleasant discovery of the city of Lille. Super friendly guide who is passionate about his history.
Sandrine Cotentin: Very pleasant ride in 2 cv with a very friendly guide !!!Original and very fun to discover Lille, to do again without moderation. The options are great 😃
Hollie Clark: We had the BEST time, thank you! Lovely and knowlegable guides giving a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Really interesting tour and great to be in the 2CVs. So pleased we did it! Thanks again!

10. Havas Voyages - Navitour - ArmentiĂšres - ArmentiĂšres

· 21 reviews

37 Rue de Lille, 59280 ArmentiĂšres, France

Address Website WhatsApp

11. Gite de Vendeville - Templemars

· 11 reviews

121 Rue de Seclin, 59175 Vendeville, France

Address Website WhatsApp


· 2 reviews

2 Rue du Faubourg des Postes, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp


· 7 reviews

Pont du Petit Paradis, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

14. VAN-IT Lille - Lille

· 27 reviews

1 Pl. Saint-André Appartement C01, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

15. Kelly Santé Lille - Lille

· 13 reviews

24-26 Bd Carnot, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

16. North Van Van-Away Lille - Herlies

· 58 reviews

Zone de la Maladrerie, 9 Rue des Remouleurs, 59134 Herlies, France

Address Website WhatsApp

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