Private Special Education Schools In Lille Near Me

School Ensemble La Salle Lille Isa Lille LycĂ©e-CollĂšge AverroĂšs SKEMA Business School - Lille European School Lille MĂ©tropole EDHEC Business School ESPOL (European School of Political and Social Sciences) Junia Hei Lille - University Catholic De Lille IESEG School Of Management Conservatoire de Lille Inlingua Lille University of Lille Iae Lille University School Of Management School of Journalism in Lille Lille Catholic University ISTC - Strategies & Communication - UniversitĂ© Catholique de Lille SacrĂ©-CƓur Catholic High School

1. School Ensemble La Salle Lille - Lille

· 35 reviews

2 Rue Jean Levasseur, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
School Ensemble La Salle Lille: what do users think?
Fatiha Baroud: High school which carries out a large sorting at the end of first class. My daughter was asked to repeat a year with an annual average of 10.50, even though the passage to the final year class is a right! Finally registered in public at Jean Prové in the final year of science class specializing in maths and physics, she obtained her baccalaureate with honors without having to repeat a year!
Philippine Hurez: My experience at De la Salle was extremely disappointing due to the poor management of the work-study manager. Instead of devoting her time and energy to helping work-study students succeed in their course, she seems more interested in non-professional activities. It's obvious that she prefers socializing with students outside of school, going out for drinks and such, rather than providing proper supervision.These questionable actions show a flagrant lack of professionalism on the part of the work-study manager and call into question her ability to perform her duties. It is unacceptable that some students are treated preferentially, while others are neglected and excluded.The other classes were lucky enough to be able to eat in their rooms but we had to go down the 4 floors to eat downstairs in the canteen. Is this normal? As an adult we feel treated like children.Instead of providing essential advice and guidance for our professional success, the work-study manager seems more preoccupied with her own pleasures.In all of this we can identify a trainer who has been there for us during these two years and who has given us real support and real strength. This trainer was the only one to defend us at the class council, the opposition must not be very appreciated by some people apparently.Responsible card has clearly expressed gratuitous wickedness towards me I don't know why? jealousy maybe?It is regrettable to note that the school does not take the necessary measures to remedy this situation. The inadequate management of the work-study manager harms not only the current students, but also the reputation of the establishment as a whole.In conclusion, my experience at De la Salle was tainted by a work-study manager who favors outings and personal meetings rather than devoting herself to her professional responsibilities. I do not recommend this school to students seeking serious training and appropriate supervision.
Nzo Dzz: Nothing, I learned nothing
Cassandre Poncet: Cependant mes 2 annĂ©es de BTS je ne peux pas en dire autant
Une responsable alternant qui sĂ©lectionne ses Ă©lĂšves par affinitĂ©, absolument pas prĂ©sente dans le suivi des Ă©tudiants et de leurs parcours.Une Ă©quipe ou une grosse partie des professeurs et de la direction parle beaucoup dans les bureaux mais ou rien n’est dit fasse aux Ă©lĂšves qui auraient le malheur de dire tout haut ce que tout le monde pense tout bas.Une belle partie de ma classe et moi mĂȘme avons Ă©tĂ© traitĂ© comme des enfants et non des Ă©tudiants en alternance.Le campus prĂŽne la formation en alternance (MCO
Samantha Dos santos: Thank you to Mrs. Lejeune and all the trainers for the support during these two years of BTS. A dynamic and top notch team
Corentin Douilly: bsahtek the BTS, Madame lejeune top toupee đŸ»
Mathis GMS: Thank you for everything ! Thank you to Mrs. Lejeune for her support and kindness, thank you to Mrs. Bourdelier for her quality support and her kindness. Without forgetting, of course, the trainers that I will never forget. I highly recommend the CAMPUS LA SALLE LILLE and the TEAM ALTERNANCE of course 😀
S: nous avons 20 min maximum pour manger pour 7/8h de cours c’est franchement inadmissible.Sans aucune mauvaise foie je ne conseillerai pas d’aller dans cet Ă©tablissement, c’est bien pour cela dĂšs que j’ai pu je me suis inscrite dans un autre lycĂ©e(Translated by Google
Djim To: . Elle ne me laissait mĂȘme pas le temps de poser mes questions. Franchement quand un mĂ©tier ne vous plaĂźt pas changer tout simplement de mĂ©tier. J’espĂšre que le comportement cette personne n’est pas celui de l’ensemble du personnel.J’espĂšre que ce commentaire sera pris en compte en vue d’une amĂ©lioration.(Translated by Google
Marine Hennebert: . Les enfants n'ont plus de livres , mais une tablette comme outil pĂ©dagogique. Un plus dans les langues oĂč l'apprentissage devient ludique. A noter, les cahiers se remplissent beaucoup, ce qui nous a fortement rassurĂ© sur la limite donnĂ©e Ă  la tablette... Je recommande ce CollĂšge Ă  taille humaine et aux valeurs humaines.(Translated by Google
Marilou Riché: (Translated by Google
helene zumpano: Never go there.Teachers who put students down. No pedagogies in this school. A direction that does everything to remove students who do not have above 15 average. Clothing judgments from management. Parents are not heard. My child went from primary to second I am extremely disappointed with their them instead.Horrible high school, forced to write to the Diocese.
GXBANG: Racist and Islamophobic College. I did five years there, during which I learned all the vices of this college and the preference they have with North Africans and pure French people, and it was the worst five years of my entire life. incomprehensible, absent teachers and not listening to the students who charge you with homework and punish you for nothing by putting words in your notebook. Once I spat in the yard I swear they put me a note in the notebook. The reason for this was "non-respect of the playground". The teacher had asked me to have this signed by my parents, for the next day. Some racist teachers, including a French teacher who chained Cokes and cigarettes, as if she had unlimited health and a history and geography teacher who cannot see the Arabs in painting, two incompetent teachers who only belittle students when they have ongoing difficulties. Every year, it's the same as the class council for the third term, they just make the same people repeat grades each time, blacks and Arabs as if by chance. School life, always attacks the same people with very high penalties for the North African community, it does not even try to understand, with hours of glue galore even for delays if your child is late because of a subway breakdown. This is counted as an invalid proof and they have the nerve to tell you, "you better wake up" and they also have the easy sanction of the disciplinary or educational board we are young and unfortunately it is during this period there in our life that we do a lot of nonsense they make everything look like harassment you will laugh once or twice at a person and you end up in the office of the CPE, with a summons from the parents. This college is only good at taking your money. This college is not made for the success of your children if his name is not Francis or Philippe and if your child does not like school did not even think of putting him there while thinking that he will improve his results on the contrary, it will get worse But hey, I still managed to get my patent without mention that's all I won in this facho college AWAY!!!
lucas bolpaire: I went there from 1st to bac+2. After a chaotic start on my part in the first ES. My pedagogical team knew how to redirect me in first STMG then specialized in finance management in terminal, to later integrate a BTS NDRC within this same establishment. At their current time I am in the third year of a major business school.
REMI KUMOLKA: Immense dĂ©ception! malheureusement, impossible de mettre moins qu'une Ă©toile..Avons pris contact avec cet Ă©tablissement qui nous avait sĂ©duit par sa rĂ©putation d'Ă©tablissement bienveillant et Ă  l'Ă©coute des besoins des Ă©lĂšves mais nous avons Ă©tĂ© menĂ©s en bateau lors de l'inscription et n'avons toujours pas eu de rĂ©ponse Ă  notre derniĂšre demande d'explications il y a plus de deux mois maintenant..En rĂ©sumĂ©: un grand manque de transparence, d'honnĂȘtetĂ©, de respect et de professionnalisme !! Attitude indigne d'un Ă©tablissement scolaire digne de ce nom!
Joelline Trigalez: Ensemble scolaire au delĂ  de toutes les attentes. Ma fille entre en terminale l’annĂ©e prochaine elle y aura donc fait tout le collĂšge et tout le lycĂ©e.Les profs sont Ă  l’écoute des Ă©lĂšves et tjs disponible pour les parents. Ils motivent sans cesse les jeunes pour qu’ils donnent le meilleur d’eux mĂȘmes.Le sport fait partie intĂ©grante de la vie dans l’établissement avec de nombreuses activitĂ©s Ă  l’association sportive notamment le midi.Les classes numĂ©riques sont un vrai plus pour nos enfants qui apprennent Ă  manipuler l’informatique et ce qui Ă©vite le port inutile de kilos de manuels scolaires. Mais les livres sont tjs prĂ©sent je vous rassure pour les Ă©tudes en cours de français.Bref je suis ravie que ma fille ait pu faire son parcours scolaire Ă  La Salle. La deuxiĂšme suit le mĂȘme chemin depuis la maternelle. Alors n’hĂ©sitez pas et allez pousser la porte vous ne serez pas déçu !!!
France Fichaux: Perte de temps si votre enfant a moins de 12 de moyenne. Il existe un gouffre entre les valeurs affichĂ©es et le fonctionnement de l’institution. Ne vous fiez surtout pas aux discours « de bienveillance affichĂ©e » lors des portes ouvertes.Leur mode de sĂ©lection est basĂ© uniquement sur les notes et non sur les motivations de l’élĂšves.Sommes trĂšs déçus d’autant qu’ils ne veulent pas recevoir les enfants pour une explication.
Oliver Cassin: Les annĂ©es ont dĂ©filĂ© si vite mais je garde de bons souvenirs de cet Ă©tablissement, mĂȘme s il y a eu quelques difficultĂ©s Ă  plusieurs pĂ©riodes. Ça m a de fait appris Ă  modifier mes approches de diffĂ©rents sujets, et '' mettre de l eau dans mon vin'' y compris bien aprĂšs ma scolaritĂ©.
Ilyes Elmansouri: École bien
nadege laleu: Hier nous avons assisté à la remise des diplÎmes, quelle belle surprise tout était réuni pour passer une bonne soirée. Je ne parle pas que du buffet mais de l'organisation en général, des mots adressés à nos enfants pour les encourager ou les féliciter, des échanges avec les parents. Moi en tant que maman je tiens à remercier toute l'équipe éducative pour qui ce n'est pas toujours facile. Comme partout il y a quelques petit dysfonctionnements mais rien de répréhensible. Je recommande ce lycée, car personnellement il reste pour mon fils un des meilleurs de sa période scolaire.
j c: Un enfant inscrit en 6eme en 2016 et un autre cette annĂ©e. Une Ă©quipe pĂ©dagogique au top, dynamique, investie et bienveillante, qui s’adapte aux particularitĂ©s de chacun des Ă©lĂšves , des classes aux effectifs plus que raisonnables, je recommande les yeux fermĂ©s et pourtant je suis TRÈS EXIGEANTE. Les avis nĂ©gatifs lus ici ne peuvent concerner que des Ă©lĂšves (ou des parents!) qui ne jouent pas le jeu car ici la sĂ©lection se fait par le comportement (on respecte les rĂšgles on on s’en va ce qui permet aux plus discrets de s’epanouir aussi). Un seul prof a posĂ© problĂšme dans le cursus de mon 1er mais entre nous, qui a fait toute une scolaritĂ© avec un seul mauvais prof?DĂ©couverte du lycĂ©e cette annĂ©e pour mon fils, j’espĂšre qu’il en sera de mĂȘme que pour le collĂšge !NB mon fils a fini avec une mention TBIEN au brevet donc aucun doute sur le niveau des Ă©lĂšves

2. Isa Lille - Lille



· 37 reviews

2 Rue Norbert Segard, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Isa Lille: what do users think?
Salah Hdiduo: Holla
Amrane Aouiti: Personnels trÚs agréables
Jules T.H: École d'ingĂ©nieur PrivĂ© coĂ»tant une blinde pour l'achat du diplome. C'est une machine Ă  fric voilĂ  tout en plus de ça ils ont rĂ©cemment augmenter les prix dans tous les complexes junia.
Aubin Dalle: École qui promet un enseignement de qualitĂ©. Je ne l ai pas vu lors de mon master. Les cours en commun avec mon BTS Ă©taient de meilleures qualitĂ©sIl n y a aussi aucun accompagnement professionnel, le seul avantage ce sont les stages assez long.
Ronan Santiago: J'ai perdu un CDI grùce à leur inefficacité administrative. Toujours en attente des résultats officiels au 25 octobre et bloqué dans mes recherches d'emploi, je ne vous remercie pas pour ça...
Elisabeth Poulain: Grande École qui ne peut ni dĂ©livrer une copie de diplĂŽme, ni une attestation certifiant l’obtention d’un diplĂŽme le 25 octobre pour une annĂ©e d’études achevĂ©e le 31 aoĂ»t. Toujours en attente d’un retour de dĂ©cision d’une entitĂ© ou de la signature de quelqu’un. Les recruteurs demandent une preuve de validation de formation aux jeunes qui voient donc un job leur passer sous le nez Ă  cause de la lourdeur ET de la lenteur administrative. Évidemment pas de problĂšme rencontrĂ© par l’administration au dĂ©but de chaque annĂ©e pour rĂ©clamer le coĂ»t de la formation. Honteux.
Gregory Vangreveninge: Bonne école d'ingénieurs liée à l'environnement , à l'agriculture et l'agronomie.
Franck Barbry: TrĂšs bon Ă©tablissement
Franck Ibled: A school that does not respect its students and their parents.Take the money, they know how to do it... respect their commitments, no.
Franck Ghesquiere: Very nice buildingA perfect place for studentsexcellent level of security
Lucie Ferreira: Superb establishment I highly recommend
Houssam Amriou: I loved it
Blandine Amgt: Currently in my third year at the ISA, I am completely satisfied with the teaching. The school on a human scale makes the teachers available and the courses are of high quality. The school is geared towards the professional world and the outside contributors are diverse and numerous. Solidarity between students is one of the strengths of the school, as well as with teachers. The ISA is a big family.
Laura: Actuellement en deuxiÚme année de prépa intégré à l'ISA, je recommande fortement cette école. L'équipe pédagogique et le service des études sont toujours là pour nous aider et nous conseiller. Les expériences professionnelles sont nombreuses et permettent d'enrichir nos compétences. Une atmosphÚre accueillante et chaleureuse rÚgne dans les locaux de l'école, que du bonheur d'y étudier !
Tanguy Bernard: Je suis actuellement en fin de 2Ăšme annĂ©e Ă  l’ISA de Lille.L’enseignement est intĂ©ressant car ce n’est pas juste une prĂ©paration maths/physique/chimie mais nous avons des cours spĂ©cialisĂ©s (sciences du sol, physiologie animale et vĂ©gĂ©tale 
) dĂšs la premiĂšre annĂ©e.Les professeurs sont passionnants et disponibles ; nous avons Ă©galement de nombreux cours et TP en petits groupes.Nous avons beaucoup de stages durant notre cursus, cela nous permet de dĂ©couvrir les diffĂ©rents mĂ©tiers et ainsi de pouvoir affiner notre projet professionnel.Concernant la vie Ă©tudiante de l'Ă©cole, il y a une vie associative dynamique (une vingtaine d’associations et de nombreux Ă©vĂ©nements organisĂ©s durant l’annĂ©e) et aussi une trĂšs bonne ambiance. J’ai pu me constituer un super groupe d’amis.J’avais Ă©tĂ© acceptĂ© Ă©galement dans d’autres Ă©coles d’ingĂ©nieur agronome et je ne regrette pas mon choix !Je vous recommande l’ISA si vous ĂȘtes passionnĂ©s par l’un des domaines de l’école.
Fanny Cordonnier: Actuellement en premiĂšre annĂ©e Ă  l'ISA, j'adresse ce message aux Ă©tudiants de terminale. La pĂ©riode de confinement ne doit pas ĂȘtre simple pour se faire une idĂ©e des Ă©coles, et choisir son orientation. C'est pourquoi, je vous explique ici mon point de vue sur l'Ă©cole.Je suis arrivĂ©e dĂ©but septembre sur Lille. J'ai Ă©tĂ© ravie en dĂ©couvrant l'Ă©cole. Le cadre est d'une part trĂšs agrĂ©able, l'Ă©cole trĂšs bien situĂ©e. La formation est trĂšs complĂšte : mĂȘme si l'Ă©cole est tournĂ©e vers la biologie, l'enseignement est large, nous avons des cours d'Ă©conomie, de langues, et de communication. Je suis ravie des matiĂšres de premiĂšre annĂ©e, la biologie y est dĂ©clinĂ©e en biologie animale, vĂ©gĂ©tale et cellulaire. C'est passionnant ! Beaucoup de stages sont aussi organisĂ©s, nous permettant de passer du thĂ©orique Ă  la pratique. Il y a une trĂšs bonne ambiance et un bon esprit d'entraide au sein de l'Ă©cole. Enfin, Lille est une super ville Ă©tudiante et propose de multiples services pour aider les Ă©tudiants (logements, santĂ©...). Je recommande +++ !
Camille Bau: Je n'aurais pu faire de meilleur choix. Des équipes en or, de superbes opportunités, ma deuxiÚme maison.
jacques lesage: Spacieux
Nicolas Lescop: Super école, enseignement de qualité avec des profs trÚs sympa et magnifiques locaux. Pour répondre à certains avis, les BDE font ce qu'ils peuvent pour ne pas faire de nuisances, ils respectent les horaires législatifs...AprÚs le bruit fait parti de la vie en ville...
Serhii Pryimachuk: Magnifique
Odette Van-Lancker: Ils seraient grand temps que les responsables de ces universitĂ©s apprennent Ă  leurs Ă©tudiant le respect des autres, habitant ce quartier. Fiesta tous les week-ends. Impossible de dormir la nuit y compris pendant les vacances : cris, rires Ă  gorge dĂ©ployĂ©e...jusqu'a plus de 2h du matin. Des sanctions doivent ĂȘtre prises contre ces incivilitĂ©s. Nous avons le besoin et le devoir de dormir la nuit 😠😠😠 Grandes Ă©coles mais petits cerveaux Ă©goĂŻstes 😠😠😠😠

3. Lycée-CollÚge AverroÚs - Lille

· 54 reviews

65 Rue de la Prévoyance, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Lycée-CollÚge AverroÚs: what do users think?
T: Toz
Mariem Hammami: Parmis les lycées qui figurent dans les Top taux de réussite au BAC. Je recommande
Tewfik Touba: Hellois this establishment a boarding school?thank you
R m: Machaalah
Fatima Zahra EMBOUAZZA: An exceptional place of education and support
Arkan FTN: Excellent pioneering high school in education.
Many De sosa: Very good school I confirm.
blgdz_213: Amazing
imen fenni: Very good establishment despite the modest means.
MTS- zardox: Best college
Mariam S: Best high school!
Am mar: Mashaa-AllahGod help you 🙏
Fatima B: College and Muslim high school following the national education program. Ethics classes once a week are optional and there is a prayer room available for those who want to pray without obligation or supervision. The veil is allowed. Regarding the teachers, they are involved and serious from what I saw when my daughter was there until 2019. Regarding middle and high school students, don't expect perfection, there is everything that happens elsewhere in colleges and high schools...
abdulhadi hawach: It was a big mistake to enroll my daughter in averroes high school:- Poor supervision, the students are left to their own devices.- Some students are not very open to difference and integration can be difficult for students from the public.- Their main concerns: the percentage of success at the end of the year and their ranking; individuals and their difficulties they don't care. I was asked to register my daughter as a free candidate in the middle of the baccalaureate year because she had an average of 9/20.It's shameful because their mission is to pay particular attention to students in difficulty to support them and increase their averages.I highly recommend this school
- AĂŻcha: Very good college.
Oum Hamza: Very good college a great job given the lack of resources my daughter goes to school there she is very happy and I too continue like this
Meyssene Meyssene: Magnificent project very good level 💕
Dalila RAMDANE: Everything is fine in terms of school life, no one answers the phone, you have to occupy this position 24 hours a day because it is very annoying not to be able to reach them. and then the personal must be well trained and up to date with the event in the school to answer parents' questions.
salima laghzaoui: Au top !
Daniel Zois: TrÚs bon lycée Chaque année un des meilleurs taux de réussite au bac de France

4. SKEMA Business School - Lille - Lille

· 57 reviews

Av. Willy Brandt, 59777 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

5. European School Lille MĂ©tropole - Marcq-en-BarƓul

· 6 reviews

91 Av. du Dr Calmette, 59700 Marcq-en-BarƓul, France

Address Website WhatsApp
European School Lille MĂ©tropole: what do users think?
Helen C: Had a bad experience with EELM. I just applied to the school to have a place for my bilingual 5 year old and they didn't read the application letter, did not give a place and would not clarify any details about the selection process. Secretary very rude and unhelpful on the phone. When I emailed, they didn't answer my questions and when I rang, they told me to email! They don't provide any statistics about who is applying and who has got a place, how many spaces are left, even though I have heard that there has been places for a long time in my son's class. So I think it is a selective 'who you know' process rather than a fair one as is marketed. I felt that it was a waste of time applying.
Anthony Monfort: , le privé international bilingue ( moins bien
Joyce .A.: Very good school I am happy that my grandson is going there, his big sister will join him but in college!!!
Dimitri Lefebvre: New school, box to be fitted out, average insulation, but canteen problem because he eats in the adjacent high school!

6. EDHEC Business School - Croix

· 95 reviews

24 Av. Gustave Delory, 59100 Roubaix, France

Address Website WhatsApp
EDHEC Business School: what do users think?
Augustin Beaumont: I love EDHEC and BDE and OJO!
Laurent Veyet: Very nice establishment, in excellent condition and modern.
Jules T.H: I advise against living, business schools are mainly there to take your money, what differentiates them is just the level of the students. Thus the "school level" is correlated with the level of the pupils which is also correlated with the level of the infrastructures but that's all it's just a bluff...
ANDREA GONZALEZ VERA: I really dont recommend this business school for master or exchange program. They do not value everyday effort, only the absences. I was an excellent student with all A and just for missing one extra class during my exchange they turn my grades in two classes from A to D. (15 to 10) totally unbelievable. I really wish I went to other school.
Joseph Bayle: Trop cher et soumis à l'idéologie progressiste.
Carmen Gallardo: Great university with amazing facilities even with an Auchan inside. Professors are great and they want you to learn. A different learning method from the Spanish one. Great people. It’s quite far from the center of Lille and the closest way of transport is 13 mins walking
DaDa: dégeulasse nul jamais vu !!!!!
Julie Boulinguez: Site magnifique et superbe Ă©cole pour mon fils
Romane Caron: EDHEC is a school in which presence takes precedence over substance. Associative life is disproportionate and punctuated by parties aimed at pushing these students to depravity. The cult of image and superficiality is at its height. Communication is manipulated and overplayed. In conclusion RUN AWAY while there is still time!!Visited in June
Christophe Caplain: Beautiful campus!
Andrea Krriku: Formidable !
Laurent Crouzet: Magnifique campus
Antoine Monestier: C tré riche
Jean-Philippe Cunniet: Very modern campus
Rashida SK: One of the better known Business schools in France.The landscaping and layout of the premises are quite interesting.
Dipesh Poudel: One of the best Business Schools in Europe, has good faculties and provides space for students to study, grow and relax. The student lounge is one of the coolest place to be in, they even have a dark room to take a nap and relax.
Razak Shaikh: Feel to be proud!
Shantanu Khandelwal: School Grade. Stunning. Amazing. Very good.I am an international student. My experience is very good. I love school.
Trishit Thakur: Beautiful campus and great faculty.
A B: Very nice campus with a high level team. EDHEC is worth the reputation that gave it

7. ESPOL (European School of Political and Social Sciences) - Lille

· 13 reviews

83 Bd Vauban, 59016 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
ESPOL (European School of Political and Social Sciences): what do users think?
Trinidade Gaillard: pendant les 3 années de licence est un plus qu ' on ne trouve pas ds toutes lesécoles de l enseignement supérieur en France ! Bravo !(Translated by Google
Xavier Sionneau: Very nice university with beautiful buildings.
rodolphe alvial: Espol, or how to want to play in the big leagues without having the means...... how is it that master's students are obliged to resort to "sellers" of conventions for their internships? Espol refusing to give them..... Beautiful showcase, nothing behind 😌
Samuel Couteau: Incredible, this school is superb in the image of its students! Teachers of a rare and exceptional quality just like his students! Accompaniment at the rendezvous and quality learning like his students!
Nino Davitashvili: A very good quality education and engaging classes. As an exchange student, I was very glad with what I saw. Highly recommended for anyone willing to enter a professional field of Political Sciences. international Relations, Law and other related majors.
Matthieu Jacquin: A very good school based on European political science. Although fairly recent, it has succeeded in building itself up with gold and already a solid reputation thanks to qualified teachers and a real involvement of the students.

8. Junia Hei Lille - University Catholic De Lille - Lille

· 43 reviews

13 Rue de Toul, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Junia Hei Lille - University Catholic De Lille: what do users think?
Utilisateur Google: Huge disregard from the school for the class of 2020, for which they had promised a graduation ceremony in 2021 and finally canceled it without any reason. She took advantage of the health context to the fullest and saw it as an opportunity to save money on our backs.It leaves a very bitter taste after all these years of study.
Christophe asseman: Today open house... Visit of the premises with a student then exchanges with a teacher... Very useful for orientation.. Superb premises and labs..
michel ulrich: It was very interesting I really enjoyed
Mingbun Jitpaisarnvatana: Took the exam here on 27th May 2019
Veig Garage (tHecHucK304): Je ne connais pas, je n'y suis jamais allé
Patrick MB: Formation gĂ©nĂ©raliste avec de solides bases scientifiques qui permet quelque soit l’option choisir d’avoir un large Ă©ventail de possibilitĂ©s Ă  la sortie.De plus, Lille est une ville qui a beaucoup de charme et d’atouts. On s’y attache forcĂ©ment.
Jules Anthonioz: Ec
Narath KH: One of the very famous school in Lille.

9. School Jeannine Manuel - Wasquehal

· 9 reviews

418 Rue Albert Bailly, 59700 Marcq-en-BarƓul, France

Address Website WhatsApp
School Jeannine Manuel: what do users think?
Taym Tarakji: Friendly school and teaches a lot of interesting subjects.
Emeline Vandenbulcke: As a former student of this establishment, I often say that I would not have done a quarter of what I did when I left school, if the latter had not been Jeannine Manuel. It is this opening of the fields of possibilities, curiosity, and appetite for culture and horizons, as well as the values ​​of tolerance, mutual aid and belonging to the international community that I strongly recommend.At Jeannine Manuel, I met my best friends, with whom I am still close friends 10 years after leaving school. I think I have met my friends for life there. It was also at Jeannine Manuel that I met teachers who inspired and encouraged me in my efforts and my passions. How can we forget these teachers who marked our teenage years so much?Another ten years later,I have fond memories of their course. It is without forgetting the teaching team that we had, so close to the students and very involved, I remember our CPEs both straight and attentive. Yes, the teenage years come with their twists, their hiccups and dramas between students,and sometimes with the teachers, but with hindsight and comparing with other establishments where I have been, Jeannine Manuel is incomparable both in the quality of teaching and pedagogy and in the outlets and opportunities that follow when leaving of this school.Promo 2013.
louise maniglier: My best years!
Axelle Dubly: Had a great time in this school
tristan louvet: An excellent school that allowed my intellectual development! A word of advice, you have to go to the canteen around 1:15 p.m. otherwise there are too many people!
Yana Gossart: I would like to thank all the staff of this establishment, for your warm and human welcome! My niece Katyaof Ukrainian origin arrived in France following the events in Ukraine and joined the Jeannine Manuel college. The whole team of this establishment did everything possible so that she could live a life of a child at this difficult time for her.Despite the lack of her country, her mother tongue, her school, her friends and her family, she is very happy and fulfilled in this establishment. Quality teachers, pedagogical follow-up, listening and support for well-posed students who allowed my niece to integrate with so little time đŸ™đŸŒŸ THANK YOUYana Ilnitska
raja fassi: Room for improvement is clearly possible for this establishment

hugo (hugoh): What good memories. Class of 2012 - 2013

10. Junia Isen Lille - University Catholic De Lille - Lille

· 51 reviews

41 Bd Vauban, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Junia Isen Lille - University Catholic De Lille: what do users think?
Etna_The_Trooper: Good school, soon to be renovated and teachers at the top of the level!
ruiwen he: A great quality school! Respect all student passions
Mehdi N.: Considering the exchanges with the academic director, everything suggests that communication is not their forte. There are so many schools offering MBAs that are so much more professional that it's no use chasing after them.
Carlos Jerez: The place is labyrinth. Nice common areas.
Rik C: State-of-the-art digital school
HE RUIWEN: An excellent school
Remy MARTINETTI: A SHAME for the Church!
louquen: Here it is isen!
Bilel Reziki: Ca va
Kiazerty: So good with friends!
J MAR: bonne Ă©cole sinon(Translated by Google
Jean-Lionel Toulemonde: École d'ingĂ©nieur de qualitĂ© !
Kevin Beaulieu: Excellente. Merci l'isen.
Olivier COUSIN: Excellente école qui sait motiver et mettre en valeur les qualités de chacun. L'environnement de l'Université Catholique est trÚs porteur : ambiance décontractée bon-enfant studieuse, beaucoup de projets inter-écoles, quartier trÚs agréable. Je recommande sans hésitation.
Cyprien Hoët: School that looks nice but like all engineering schools that are expensive all year round!
Valis Sotomey: University really not great, it's called prep, but go to real prep, that is to say the one that prepares for engineering school competitions and you'll see.
Maxime Claisse: A good school that allowed me to get good jobs.

11. IESEG School Of Management - Lille

· 78 reviews

3 Rue de la Digue, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

12. Conservatoire de Lille - Lille

· 23 reviews

Rue Alphonse Colas, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

13. School Lille Of French Language - Lille

· 4 reviews

32 Pl. de la Gare, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

14. Inlingua Lille - Lille

· 4 reviews

12 Rue de Cannes, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

15. University of Lille - Lille

· 54 reviews

42 Rue Paul Duez, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

16. Iae Lille University School Of Management - Lille

· 50 reviews

104 Av. du Peuple Belge, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

17. School of Journalism in Lille - Lille

· 24 reviews

50 Rue Gauthier de ChĂątillon, 59046 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

18. Lille Catholic University - Lille

· 135 reviews

60 Bd Vauban, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

19. ISTC - Strategies & Communication - Université Catholique de Lille - Lille

· 20 reviews

81-83 Bd Vauban, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

20. SacrĂ©-CƓur Catholic High School - Tourcoing

· 16 reviews

111 Rue de Lille, 59200 Tourcoing, France

Address Website WhatsApp

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