Paddling Pools In Lille Near Me

Piscine de Fives Piscine Marx Dormoy Piscine Municipale de Saint-André-lez-Lille Centre Nautique Thalassa Pool in Roncq Desjoyaux Pecq Gîtes de la Vesée Best Western Premier - Why Hotel - Lille KONE, agence de Lille LAGO Kortrijk Abdijkaai Decathlon Kortrijk Piscines Desjoyaux Neuville Saint Vaast Pollet Pool Group Nv pool Izegem

1. Piscine de Fives - Lille

· 207 reviews

82 Rue du Long Pot, 59000 Lille, France

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Piscine de Fives: what do users think?
ipalt5 marketing: . Une fois de plus, il est quasi-impossible de se baigner à Lille (240 000 habitants
Dn. Nicole: A neighborhood swimming pool where hygiene is good.Classes in a pleasant atmosphere, everything is there for your relaxation.Thanks to the team!
Nicolas Roussel: Very old and clean small swimming pool. This is an excellent pool for teaching toddlers to swim.
Louise Delcamp: Small neighborhood pool, very clean. We go there for children's swimming lessons. I recommend
Racim Rara: Not big enough
Christian Menin: Adequate places to relax with family or individually.Attractive price...I invite you to discover the rates by contacting the reception staff.Thanks to the whole team.
Rmdan Loio: 🙏🙏🌹🌹👍👍
Rabah djemai: Simple swimming pool nice lifeguard
nicole legagneur: Cold!!!! Goo !!! Freezing!!! My only distraction!!!! Impossible to go in the water Being old, the swimming pool of Five was for me like all my friends our appointment 3 to 4 times a week of maintenance!!! Too bad The staff just like the lifeguards are great!!!
Famille Carton: Not always regular but in any case accustomed for a long time to the animations of the swimming pool of Fives, I regret these last weeks to arrive for the aquabike and/or the aquagym and to find the door closed without any indication for the users. Would it be possible to set up a reservation and communication system in order to make the attendance of events more reliable? Thanks !
Christophe Emery: A swimming pool, what...A little defeat to park but good.She deserves to be there.Small classic pool of 25m, 4 lanes, no children's area or very well hidden.
Celine M: Aging pool but does the job
Emilie Msmq: Very clean pool and friendly staff!
Amandine DRUON: The swimming pool is top but frankly the water at 26 is to close access to the little ones. Wouldn't it be relevant to leave at least one of the city's Lille swimming pools warmer? At least on busy days?
Arthur Brunelle: Hello, save money yes but not at the expense of people!!! A swimming pool at 25 degrees is really not enough for the elderly and young children. I'm a regular but I'm not likely to come back until the temperature rises, I'm very disappointed 😞
Ives Makali: Visit !!
Ornella Peron: Super nice swimming pool but please update the schedules. Especially for the baby swimmer 😁
Vincent Clement: Smiling, professional
Jeanne Meillier: AlrightGood atmosphereI hope that at the start of the school year there will be morning slots on weekdays
Lou H: I have been going to the pool for 3 years and I think it has been one of my favorite places in Lille! The pool is perfect, the team is super nice and caring and the prices allow you to go to the pool regularly without breaking the bank! It would have been a great experience
gisele NZUWA: With this heat yeah it's cool

2. Piscine Marx Dormoy - Lille



· 843 reviews

36 Av. Marx Dormoy, 59000 Lille, France

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3. Piscine Municipale de Saint-André-lez-Lille - Saint-André-lez-Lille

· 294 reviews

32 Rue Vauban, 59350 Saint-André-lez-Lille, France

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Piscine Municipale de Saint-André-lez-Lille: what do users think?
Yoann merlier: Elle est fermée faute d'avoir été entretenue. Quel gâchis ! Non seulement elle était pratique et idéalement située mais en plus elle est classée : une piscine en métal construite par les chantiers navals de Dunkerque.
Thibault Roussel: Une petite piscine municipale un peu vieillotte mais très fonctionnelle, très abordable et qui propose un panel d'activités aquatiques assez large. Un bassin 25m avec 5 lignes et un bassin enfant. On aimerait des créneaux d'ouverture plus étendus. Et on apprécierait qu'une meilleure coordination soit faite avec les écoles pour disposer de lignes d'eau pour nager.
Camille Dumortier: Petite piscine sympathique. Je n'y vais que pour nager et faire des longueurs, souvent en début d'AM du coup il n'y a pas trop de monde et c'est agréable. Les douches sont chaudes et les vestiaires sont propres. Le personnel est agréable également.
Thomas Francke: L eau est bonne
Corinne Buirette: Beau complexe ancien mais qui rend encore bien service
Sébastien R: La piscine est ancienne et peu lineuse, mais elle est souvent peu fréquentée et donc adaptée à ceux qui veulent faire des longueurs.
Melanie: Au top avec un prix abordable
Genevieve Bauduin: Personally, I love this pool, the staff is very welcoming and the swimming conditions are excellent when you can choose your schedule.
Uyttebroeck Virgile: The elderly person in the locker room asks me to leave the locker room very unpleasantly I think there is a way of asking people if this elderly person is male moon you have to retrain and then take courses in courtesyGood for you, too bad because the person at the reception is super nice
Olivia Loeuil: You have to explain myself, I find out when I arrive, I am told that I must be out of the pool at 5.45 p.m.… I leave the pool at 5.40 p.m. as a clean person, I take a shower “which does not take hours”. At the exit a lady of a certain age comes to ask other people and myself to leave the place and that with aggression and wickedness. So we tell him that we are finishing our preparations. This one replies that we must be out at 6 p.m. Dear Madam, I arrived in my car at 6 p.m. So I'm past the age, dear Madame, of being brought back to order, especially since I respect the rules. The hour of retirement has sounded for you for a long time "how lucky" but retired does not mean = embittered and aggressive. Thank you all the same to the gentleman who was at the reception he was very friendly but unfortunately I will not come back any more just like the people who were fired by this friendly lady!!
Ludovic Valenduc: Great welcome. Very friendly staff and very clean premises
Francine Debaene: Dynamic staff, prices lower than other pools, changing rooms a bit old
Vv Mm: Family pool rarely overloaded!Water always at the right temperature but you shouldn't be chilly in the cabins.
nael slug3: Piscine bien au niveau bassin, mais le hic c'est le personnel... accueil pas très accueillant et maitres nageurs on a l'impression qu'ils sont en deuil.
M Cembellin: 2 vasos, uno para nadar separado por calles y otro para paqueños.Muy bien organizado👍
Loïc Lemoine: Accueil horrible, limite on nous laisse pas rentrez, les horaires ne sont pas changés sur internet.Le sol des cabines est sale, les bancs ne tiennent pas.Un monsieur du personnel est très désagréable il nous a demandé d'enlever nos chaussures nous l'avont fait il est revenu dire après être à la sortie.N'y aller pas
Sam Zemrak: Piscine très agréable, j'ai pu la pratiquer en club , avec beaucoup de choix elle sera vous intéresser pour petit et grand
Catherine Thoraud: Piscine un peu vieillotte mais sympa. Douches bien chaude. Deux bassins. Cours de natation.
A D: Personnel très accueillant et professionnel qui prend soin de veiller au bien être des usagers de la piscine. Merci !
j-mi: Dans son jus
Nat Delisse: Je ne comprends pas les commentaires négatifs... L'accueil est au top, tout le personnel est charmant! Nous avons été très bien accueillis, l'agent responsable des vestiaires est très gentil et serviable!La piscine est très agréable, lumineuse, l'eau est à la température idéale (mention spéciale pour la température des douches!!!), du petit matériel est à disposition pour les enfants, et les maîtres nageurs "patrouillent" et interviennent dès qu'il y a un début de chahut.Bravo à toute l'équipe, et à très bientôt!

4. Outside Living Industries France - Lille

· 7 reviews

17 Rue de la Baignerie, 59000 Lille, France

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Outside Living Industries France: what do users think?
Vlad Țepeș: Critical:Professionalism
Frédérique Lefèvre: M Christophe Robin étant l'époux de la responsable sav, comment qualifier son avis???
Christophe ROBIN: Excellent service. SAV au top. Bravo! Continuez. J'en ferai la pub.
Réno Violo: SAV CATASTROPHIQUE !!!hotline telephonique inexistante, et le sav par mail uniquement est d'une lenteur et d'un amateurisme revoltant. j'ai perdu 2 semaines pour tenter de commander un article aupres d'une conseillere lunatique, avec des delais de livraisons horriblement longs et vagues.du coup je suis passé chez Piscineo qui ont repondu a ma demande en 2 seconde et livré en 2 jours.Service:Swimming pool equipment repair
Nomoe Lopz: Si vous cherchez du travail fuyez!!! Turn over incessant, environment mal sein a fuir.
Paul Pierre: Sav déplorable
Vincent Lejosne: Très bon SAV: après sollicitation, retour immédiat par téléphone puis mail, avec explication claire de la procédure à suivre et échange du produit en même pas 48h chrono!TOP
Stéphane VANHOVE: Positive:Professionalism,Responsiveness
gaby pitou: Un sav CATASTROPHIQUE ! Quand on les appelle ils ne daignent même pas décrocher ! On tombe sur un répondeur qui demande d'envoyer un mail et d'attendre une réponse... Jamais vu un service aussi déplorable !Service:General repairs maintenance
LHIRONDELLE Claude: Unable to reach anyone. These people do not answer emails or the phone. I am surprised at the only good note ... Mr. Robin must certainly be part of this establishment ...
arthur cuvillon: Critical:Professionalism,Punctuality,Quality,Responsiveness
charlotte alc: ... pour que l'on m'indique une date de livraison qui finalement sera encore retardée !Enfin ! Livraison annoncée et prévue hier ! Et là on m'appelle pour m'indiquer que le transporteur à qui outsideliving a fait appel ne peut pas prendre ma piscine, ne disposant d'aucun camion assez grand ! Je précise que ce n'est clairement pas une piscine olympique et je pense sincèrement à une caméra cachée à ce stade. Aujourd'hui j'ai un immense trou dans mon jardin depuis deux mois, toujours pas de piscine, ni de livraison prévue pour le moment. Bref à éviter !(Translated by Google
karine Le Moine: Critical:Professionalism,Punctuality,Responsiveness
Selin Selin: No one answers the phone still waiting for my pool! No professionalism no sav nothing because no answers! Deadline not respected I don't even know if one day I will receive my product!! Thank you for costing me money and ruining my kids summer! But I won't stop, that's for sure!
Related inquiries Swimming pool contractor:

5. Centre Nautique Thalassa - Roubaix

· 288 reviews

27 Rue de l'Epeule, 59100 Roubaix, France

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Centre Nautique Thalassa: what do users think?
rachid saadaoui: Gorgeous
Sigourney Destruy: Great pool for the little ones thanks to the paddling pool my daughter loves the little slide and the toys in it
Myriam Naguilou: Good swimming pool, friendly staff only downside the showers are boiling spring like a crayfish !!!
La concierge d'immeuble Les: The Sunday clientele and I think the dry sauna and hamam weekdays are disgusting and dirty... Spitting, they blow their noses in the hammam towel on the floor... my shoes before the footbath. When I point out the facts of the spitting "we saw nothing" it's typical Roubaisian mentality "necessarily we prefer to lose 1 clean civilized customer than 10 unclean customers. As in the neighborhoods of delinquents where the underground economy reigns there.
othman s.: The staff is extra. The cleanliness of the showers, meanwhile, begins to reach an unacceptable level, especially in the company of children. Empower the staff thank you.
Garm Holtzstern: Everything is very good even if the showers are a bit old. The only black spot on the board would be the much too restricted opening ranges
Marine FURMAN: Cette piscine est trop bien aussi
Ouss_Riffton: Franchement les maîtres nageurs changez les très très vite parce que je suis allé avec mes amis à la piscine puis un moment j’ai trébuché et suis tombé dans l’eau et j’ai commencé à me noyer en plein milieu de l’eau et les maîtres nageurs au lieu de m’aider me regardaient et rigolaient de moi alors que j’étais en danger en train de me noyer franchement j’aurais jamais cru un jour voir ça
CAMILLE MALYCVC: Pour notification : LE CENTRE NAUTIQUE EST BIEN FERMÉ LE LUNDI! À actualiser sur GOOGLE car les informations d'ouverture le lundi sont différentes sur le site. Sinon, personnel agréable à l'accueil. La piscine ouvre sur des créneaux de 90 minutes (1h30). Tarifs avantageux et accessibles par rapport à l'espace Thalasso de la ville voisine, pour passer un moment de détente sans se ruiner. Gros + pour les personnes en situation de handicap. Je recommande. +++
Aurélie Flament: Très jolie et grande piscine avec un beau tobogganLe personnel est sympathique et serviable.Il est très difficile de trouver des cours de piscine pour enfants merci pour en mettre à disposition nous cherchions et nous ne trouvions pas
Gel Dup: Propre, le prix est raisonnable, les personnelles sont super sympathiques! Les vestiaires fonctionne avec les codes, donc c’est pratique. Dommage il n’ya pas de réduction pour les roubaisiens
Farida Assayeva: Les gens la bas sont grave des amours très gentil très accueillants j'adore
François Vasseur: Personnel hyper serviable et sympathique
Houssin Recham: Corect, La piscine scolaire de mon enfance.
Jules T.H: nice swimming pool with a few slides perfect for going with the family.
ErdemLooL: I'm still going with school I think it's incredible
Monique Dumortier: Great welcome
Hocine Cheddani: Excellent place
cindy moi: A great center friendly and welcoming staff, mother of 2 young children, the water in the paddling pool and really pleasant for my little ones unlike other pools, played available 👍, for us the cabins are too small and have cramped 😭 and the same lockers 😭 . Apart from that sauna and jacuzzi 😜 had a pleasant time
Alexandra Khider: . Piscine propre.(Translated by Google
Thierry: Personnel très sympathique.Piscine propre et bien tenue.Horaires, hors vacances scolaires sympathiques avec accès le matin en semaine.

6. Pool in Roncq - Roncq

· 178 reviews

Rue du Billemont, 59223 Roncq, France

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Pool in Roncq: what do users think?
N G: Хороший, небольшой бассейн. Надо иметь с собой железный 1 евро, чтобы закрыть вещи в шкафчике. В воскресенье работает с 10:00 до 12:00. Нужна шапочка.
Lucy Gerber: Super🤩
Pascale V: I go there regularly I am however from Tourquennoise it is a very pleasant very simple swimming pool with everything you need just to swim simply with very welcoming staff ..... Hoping that the mentality never changes because really everything is there to have a great time
beatrice fourcin: , au contraire encourage bcp et surtt vont par paliers pr avancer en confiance, très chouette. On fait vite des progrès, c'est motivant. Béatrice(Translated by Google
Jean-François Goulette: Super friendly welcome available and attentive
Patricia Dewitte: Nice swimming pool like its staff. Very good aquagym lessons. We are looking forward to the new swimming pool at La Source.
COD GAMEUR: Le fait qu'elle s'ouvre est bienvenu surtout par ces chaleurs
Francoise Leroux: En ces temps de canicule le toit est ouvert ce qui permet de donner un peu de fraîcheur, on se croirait en vacances, ce n'est pas un bassin olympique mais très appréciable pendant ces chaleurs importantes
JR Rey: Petite piscine , propre mais assez vielle ! Personnels agréables
Gery Vautrin: Cool
Geraldine Lartillier: Piscine pas très grande en été toit ouvert
Frederic Dean: Personnel très accueillant
Perrine Bocquillon: Cadre agréable. Maître nageur/se agréable et très sympa. En caisse super gentille aussi. Température parfaite.
Andre Martin: Nice little pool like a bit old fashioned I have experiencedFriendly, not crowded
Mortaignie Myriam: Very good and very reasonably priced!!!!
Jérémy Dlgn: Superb pool at a reasonable price for swimming at lunchtime! A line of water would be missing to put 5 stars ☺️
Fanny Innocenti: (Translated by Google
Mickael V: Little my friendly friendly
Amandine Moimeme: Aquagym class this morning at the top!!!
Clément Delannoy: Very good swimming pool!
Myriam Paux: What happiness

7. Piscines Desjoyaux Marcq En Baroeul - Marcq-en-Barœul

· 73 reviews

382 Rue de Menin, 59700 Marcq-en-Barœul, France

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Piscines Desjoyaux Marcq En Baroeul: what do users think?
Julien Bianco: Thanks to Fabien and Julien for their advice, listening, responsiveness and follow-up.6 months of waiting as planned for a real pleasure and a real success!Service:General construction
philippe laroche: Finally an efficient team that responds to the customer with a friendly welcomeService:General construction
Sonia Fourmeau: Very very responsive to give me an estimate for a spare part concerning the electronic card of my heat pumpSav at the topI recommend this establishment!!Very nice staff
Stéphanie Janssens: A new welcoming, attentive and efficient team
lyderic janssens: Positive:Professionalism,Punctuality,Quality,Responsiveness
Dominique Catieau: Very satisfied with desjoyauxI recommend Quentin very professionalAnd with kindnessCongratulations to them both
Laurence Dechaumont: Service:Custom Swimming pool designPositive:Professionalism,Responsiveness
Quentin Pridannikoff: The new Desjoyaux team is great! Good recovery of the activity! THANKSServices:Cleaning,Custom Swimming pool design,Swimming pool water analysis,Swimming pool summerization,Winterization
Toto Sar: Congratulations to the new team for their welcome, listening and efficiency!My problem with algae in my pool water was solved thanks to their expert advice and expertise.Congratulations again and thank you!Service:Swimming pool water analysis
Sonia Solignac: thank-you for your prompt responseProfessional team!Services:Inground pool installation,Swimming pool equipment maintenance
Gilles Solignac: Professional and reactive team to find a good solution thank you
Christophe Demey: Thank you for the answers provided by email or on the phone, closeness that we had with regret, lost since the design of our pool in 2018, new manager, new momentum! Thank youService:General construction
Arnaud Tailliez: Very good advice, ideas, very professional finally here we are very happy with our first contact.
David Dauchez: Professional teamListening to its customers and their needsQuality and priceI can only advise 👍👍Service:Custom Swimming pool design

8. Desjoyaux Pecq - Pecq

· 30 reviews

Rue de Tournai 124c, 7740 Pecq, Belgium

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Desjoyaux Pecq: what do users think?
Sylvie Seynaeve: Service:General constructionPositive:Professionalism,Quality,Responsiveness
johan gobert: Waste of time . 3 times I rang. First time recontacted us and then a sales representative recontacts you. Instead of saying directly we don't want to do the work!!!
Michel Rousseau: Top welcome, good information, quick price offer, to study now..
STEPHANE C.: Good advice, thank you.
julien merchier: Very good advice
Jonathan Vanlaere: Very warm welcome and very good advice.
Cat Pic: Warm and smiling welcomeBut lack of follow-up in orders It's up to us to follow up to find out where things are Too badEasy parking
L'Angelot: A quality welcome, clear and clear explanations, a simple and qualified representative and attractive prices. It costs nothing to visit them. Proposals will be presented according to your budget.
Philippe-Christelle Deconinck-Dugardein: The only ones that had the part I was looking for.
Foucauld Delahaye: I put a star because you can't not put one. We have been "stuck" for 4 years with a swimming pool roof that does not work and the absent subscribers are at Desjoyaux Qualivie to solve the problem. Don't have any problem with your equipment because otherwise GARE: courage, let's avoid our responsibilities.
Aurore Cauqueraumont: Positive:Professionalism,Quality,Responsiveness,Value
johan sabbe: Super friendly staff thank you
Sylvain Kwiathowski: Very warm welcome, good advice, not like in Marcq en Baroeul!
Seb Seb: : le gérant des piscines Desjoyaux Pecq fait preuve d'énormément de patience et ses conseils sont des plus perspicaces. En effet il a dû supporter mes exigences, mes craintes, mes questions à répétition sur le choix du matériel (pompe à chaleur, type de bâche, produits, ...
catherine samyn: Very competent staff, helpful and eager to best satisfy its customers, I recommend
Clotilde Dendievel: It is always with good humor that we are welcomed at Desjoyaux Piscine in Pecq.Mr. Orgaer and his colleague demonstrate great professionalism and kindness, whatever our request, they respond to it:From simple advice to the design of your swimming pool project, their service is optimal, I highly recommend them.On top of the topThanks again
Sylvie Gilmet: Home below everything. My husband wanted to order a hot tub filter. The order was refused to him because he had a French plate! I find this unacceptable, the car being a company car. We live in the entity and preferred to support our Damage traders. ..
Thomas DELAERE: Good advice and quality products!
Jean-Paul Bonnet: We would like to thank Roger, Nono, David, Rudy, Benoît and Mat for the excellent work done at home. The swimming pool is wonderful. You helped make our dream come true. Thank you Stephan for your professionalism, your listening and your good mood.To all those looking for impeccable, discreet and trustworthy service, then do not hesitate to cross the door of the Desjoyeaux swimming pools in Pecq. Many thanks!!!
Cindy Spillebout: Quality work, cleanliness in a super time frame....A super nice team where everything goes on and everything is super settled!!!!!! NOTHING TO SAY except that I wish you a lot of success and frankly to all... There's no hesitation!!!!! They are listening to you and making your dream come true!!!!! Thank you!!!!!
Guy Seynaeve: great staff!great service!to recommend !!!!

9. Gîtes de la Vesée - La Chapelle-d'Armentières

· 29 reviews

261 Rue Omer Ollivier, 59930 La Chapelle-d'Armentières, France

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10. Best Western Premier - Why Hotel - Lille - Lille

· 662 reviews

7 Sq. Morisson, 59000 Lille, France

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11. KONE, agence de Lille - Prés

· 13 reviews

ZI de la Pilaterie Acticlub 5S, 18 Rue des Champs, 59491 Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France

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12. LAGO Kortrijk Abdijkaai - Kortrijk

· 146 reviews

Abdijkaai 11, 8500 Kortrijk, Belgium

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13. Decathlon Kortrijk - Kortrijk

· 1577 reviews

Beneluxlaan 1, 8500 Kortrijk, Belgium

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14. Piscines Desjoyaux Neuville Saint Vaast - Neuville-Saint-Vaast

· 13 reviews

24 Rue de la Barre, 62580 Neuville-Saint-Vaast, France

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15. - Kuurne - Kuurne

· 39 reviews

Ter Ferrants 13, 8520 Kuurne, Belgium

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16. Pollet Pool Group Nv - Waregem

· 10 reviews

Textielstraat 13, 8790 Waregem, Belgium

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17. pool Izegem - Izegem

· 447 reviews

Heilig Hartstraat 15, 8870 Izegem, Belgium

Address Website WhatsApp

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